How to Create a Collab for osu!



Avatar Cropper

A small webpage that allows you to quickly crop avatars for many sites.

【情報】想要擁有自己的頭像卻無從下手? Avatar Maker就是 ...

2017年1月21日 — 如果認為自己不會美工或是不太會修圖的,那這篇文章將會對您很有幫助:D. 這次一樣是在Google osu!找到的網站,可以讓你自訂自己的頭像,.

osu!next Signature Generator

A signature generator in the style of osu ... Set a custom rounding for the avatar. Show your ranked score (replaces ...

[resolved] Want to copy avatarPfp to download · forum

2019年7月30日 — Problem details: So i wanted to change my Discord pfp by making my Discord name and Profile pic the same as my Osu!Account's

osu avatar maker · forum

2021年11月11日 — It's good if you are new to creating avatars. But I still prefer editing softwares. I ...

Profile Picture Making (Country flag + CharacterAnything)

2019年12月11日 — I'll be making Profile Pictures with the flag of people's country · Specify what country you're from · Specify what character/anything you want ...

Make an osu profile picture by Alicealyri

Fiverr freelancer will provide Image Editing services and make an osu profile picture including Number of images within 1 day.

tutorial on making osu collabs with the new imagemap ...

2023年5月18日 — tutorial on making osu collabs with the new imagemap feature (since imgur nuked everyones collabs) ... 's profile; Close. r/osugame. Join. osu! — ...


Asmallwebpagethatallowsyoutoquicklycropavatarsformanysites.,2017年1月21日—如果認為自己不會美工或是不太會修圖的,那這篇文章將會對您很有幫助:D.這次一樣是在Googleosu!找到的網站,可以讓你自訂自己的頭像,.,Asignaturegeneratorinthestyleofosu...Setacustomroundingfortheavatar.Showyourrankedscore(replaces ...,2019年7月30日—Problemdetails:SoiwantedtochangemyDiscordpfpbymakingmyDiscordnameandProfilepicth...